How to Trade the signals from TREND

Sample Report from the TREND Detail Report

TREND Summary Report

05FEB21  10625  |              0 |              0  |                | L003000000000000000 |     169-12 166-13  166-23 L BUY
12FEB21    562- |                |                 |                | L020000000000000000 |     168-00 165-28  166-05 L BUY
19FEB21   3625- | TRD-EXIT  3625-| RV-SELL      0  |                | L120000700000000000 |     165-28 162-26  163-03 L BUY <- 1st TREND signal
26FEB21   5968- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   2343  |                | L020000009000000000 | 49- 161-27 156-08  159-07 L BUY
05MAR21   7968- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   4343  |                | L120000009100000000 |     160-26 155-27  157-07 L BUY
12MAR21   9625- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   6000  |                | L120050000100000000 |     158-28 155-12  155-18 L BUY
19MAR21  11093- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   7468  |                | L120050009103000000 |     156-20 153-07  154-03 L BUY
26MAR21   9218- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   5593  |                | L120000000000000000 |     157-08 154-10  155-31 L BUY
02APR21   8968- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   5343  |                |                     |     156-14 153-29  156-07 L
09APR21   8562- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   4937  |                |                     |     157-04 155-06  156-20 L
16APR21   7187- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL   3562  |                |                     |     159-01 155-25  158-00 L
23APR21   6906- |      BUY     0 | GET-OUT   3281  |                | F000000000000000080 |     158-30 157-25  158-09 L <- 2nd TREND sigal
30APR21   7937- | TRD-EXIT  1031-| RV-SELL      0  |                | F000000000000000080 |     158-22 156-06  157-08 L <- 3rd TREND signal
07MAY21   7218- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL    718- |                | F000000000000000080 |     160-15 156-21  157-31 L
14MAY21   8375- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL    437  |                | F000000000000000080 |     158-12 155-14  156-26 L
21MAY21   7937- |      BUY     0 | GET-OUT      0  |                | F000000000000000080 |     157-16 155-25  157-08 L <- 4th TREND signal
28MAY21   7062- |            875 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 | 51- 157-12 155-28  156-17 L
04JUN21   6125- |           1812 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     157-17 155-16  157-15 L
11JUN21   4375- |           3562 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     159-29 156-31  159-07 L
18JUN21   2656- |           5281 |                 |                |                     |     161-11 157-12  160-30 L
25JUN21   4843- |           3093 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     163-02 158-18  158-24 L
02JUL21   2687- |           5250 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     161-08 158-27  160-29 L
09JUL21    968- |           6968 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     164-30 160-19  162-20 L
16JUL21    218  |           8156 |                 |                |                     |     164-00 161-06  163-26 L
23JUL21    437  |           8375 |                 |                |                     |     167-04 163-07  164-01 L
30JUL21   1125  |           9062 |                 |                |                     |     165-12 163-23  164-23 L
06AUG21    375  |           8312 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     167-00 163-26  163-31 L
13AUG21    812  |           8750 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     164-26 162-17  164-13 L
20AUG21   2156  |          10093 |                 |                |                     |     166-06 164-17  165-24 L
27AUG21    906  |           8843 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 | 50- 164-10 161-25  162-30 L
03SEP21    875  |           8812 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     164-00 162-16  162-29 L
10SEP21    687  |           8625 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     163-27 161-20  162-23 L
17SEP21    562  |           8500 |                 |                | F000000000000000080 |     164-24 162-08  162-19 L
24SEP21   1062- | TRD-EXIT  6875 | RV-SELL      0  |                | V000006000000000000 |     164-16 160-27  160-31 L <- 5th TREND signal
01OCT21   1687- | TRD-EXIT       | RV-SELL    625  |                | V020006000000000000 |     161-08 158-22  160-11 L
08OCT21   4281- |           2218 |           6500  |                |                     |     160-20 157-16  157-24 S GET-OUT

       Total Profits from the TREND Function:
                      6500 <- Reverse
                    + 2218 <- Exit
       Compared to a loss of $4281- from the system.


1. On 19FEB21: TREND gives the first EXIT signal to get out with a $3625-- loss.
1. On the same day the REVERSE signal gave a SELL signal. We go SHORT.

2. On 23APR21 the REVERSE gives a signal get out of the SHORT trade with a Profit of $3281.
2. At the same time the system gets back in the market LONG with a BUY signal.

3. On 24SEP21: the system gets out of the LONG trade of 21MAY21 with a Profit of $6875.
3. On 24SEP21: TREND gives the second SELL signal to go Short at 160-31.

4. On 08OCT21 the trade is closed by the system at 157-24.
4. REVERSE gets out with another Profit of $3218.

5. Total TREND Profits from the 2 trades = 2218 + 6500 = $8718

All results are Hypothetical